Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Meeting Katylynn

Because I've been a little under the weather for the last few days, today was my first chance to meet a very special little girl named Katylynn.

Most of you probably read Derry's blog (I know because almost all the traffic on this site comes through his site) and already know Katylynn's story. In case you don't, she is a newborn who was adopted by Derry and Janelle Prenkert. They've been trying to have children of their own for nearly 6 years and, through some incredible circumstances, decided to adopt this baby.

Holding a 6-day-old baby is like nothing else, except like holding a 5- or 7-day-old baby I guess. Katylynn is currently less than 7 pounds and she slept soundly the whole time I held her. I could have easily slipped into a nap myself if I didn't have to get back to work.

I am so thankful for this little girl. She is an answer to so many prayers by Derry & Janelle as well as many family and friends, including my wife and me. It's amazing to see Derry & Janelle with her. They're so natural, almost like they've been waiting for this opportunity for a while.

Katylynn is definitely a beautiful child. She is incredibly precious and has been blessed with amazing parents. So, I am honored to be part of her life. I want to help Derry & Janelle be the best parents they can be, in whatever way I can. They've already dedicated her to the Lord and I promise to aid them in that commitment.

Welcome, Katylynn!

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