Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What is this?

I've been contemplating joining the blog world for some time. I love writing, but can never seem to find time to keep a journal. So, this blog will probably be updated once a day, at the most, during my lunch hour. But at least it's an outlet for me. And, hopefully, I'll get some feedback I wouldn't with a traditional journal.

The title is "Learning to Serve" because I've recently begun to realize that God is consistently putting me in positions where I can/must serve. I'm a husband, a father, a friend and an employee. All of those roles require me to serve if I'm going to live up to the calling.

Most recently, I've started seeing how my career can be one of service (even though I'm collecting a paycheck). I work in a "support staff" role at a large church, and I love it. It allows me to work for others and not just with others, or under others.

So, for now, the theme of this blog will be my experiences in Learning to Serve. There will surely be posts off that subject, but I want to share what I'm learning, being shaped into and ultimately becoming (as well as the bumps, bruises, cuts and healing that come along with it).

I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings. I'm going to have fun writing them.


Dan said...

Do you want to wrestle?

the Peterson family said...

I'd like to wrestle.