Friday, June 8, 2007

My new calendar

I bought a new calendar the other day. It's nothing fancy. Green.

I've been meaning to get one for some time, but procrastinated. Big surprise.

Anyway, the reason I needed a calendar is not because I'm so busy. It's not because I'm important and all kinds of people want to be part of my schedule. It's not because I'm organized.

The reason I bought a calendar is simple: I want to put first things first.

As you can see, at the top of the page are two lines, "2 Dates," and "1 Love letter." Those serve as a checklist for the month. I'm giving myself a quota. I have to take my wife on at least 2 dates and write her at least 1 love letter this month. If I don't do it, there's a problem. She's not going to feel as loved as I want her to, as she wants to. That's a pretty significant price to pay for not checking off the things on my to-do list.

I know this may seem a little wierd. It may seem like I've set myself up to do those things for the wrong reasons, maybe a little fake. But, I think it's better to do them for any reason than not to do them at all.

See, my wife loves to spend quality time with me. (Have you ever seen my wife? How lucky am I?) So, the least I can do is make sure I prioritize my time so that she's included. I may not be important to a lot of people, but I am to her. And she is to me.

Now, there are two lessons I'm learning from my calendar.

First, my wife deserves to be the first person on each month's to-do list. She always will be because I love her and she needs me to give her my time.

Second, I need to make time with God an even higher priority than time with my wife. I should put time with Him above anything else when I'm looking at how I'm going to spend my days.

Maybe next time I put a picture of my calendar on here, you'll see God time scheduled in!


Rob said...

great idea! I know I need to make my wife more of a priority, especially when our 2 kids seem to take so much of our time. I've just got to be intentional about it, like you're doing. I think it's a great idea.


Thanks for keeping me in check Dan. I needed to hear that.