Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mr. Mom - Part 2 (Fatigue, Frustration, Fear)

Ok, so I know the last post made it sound like there has not been any problems. That is certainly not the case, even though it has been fairly smooth sailing thus far.
Tonight, things became a bit more difficult for the three of us. As the day went on and we all started getting tired.
I had to take the kids to church with me to do some work. Bad idea. This required them to keep their hands off stuff in and around the office, video room and sound booth. That's a tough thing for little ones, especially when they're tired.
Trying to work as quickly as possible while also trying to keep an eye on two kids was tough for me. I have to admit I "lost perspective" a few times and was probably a bit harsh with them.
On the drive home, I tried to regain my perspective. The fatigue we were all feeling quickly turned into frustration whenever the slightest conflict came up.
Long story short, we made it through dinner, bathtime and bedtime without any major trauma.
As I was waiting for our youngest to fall asleep, he just started crying for his mommy. I think he's starting to be afraid that she's not coming back.
Fortunately, I was able to see it as an opportunity to go in there and teach him a hard lesson ... just kidding. I went in there, held him, assured him I would be here whenever he needed me and got him back to bed peacefully.
That last interaction was what I had been waiting for all day. As the day wore on and I just started wishing for the kids to fall asleep, I wasn't thinking about making the most of the bedtime process. Thank goodness I happened to find the right frame of mind at the right time.
I love these kids. I love being with them. I hate blowing opportunities to grow closer to them.


Rob said...

You just, in a few words, summed up what it's like to truly be a dad. I appreciate your honesty, and we all appreciate our wives, especially if, like now, we spend some time away from them. Enjoy the time with the kids, and have them make signs or cards to welcome her'll make her day!

Dan said...

You're making dads everywhere proud. Stay strong!